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NIH Quantum Science Interest Group

NCATS established and currently leads the NIH QIS and Quantum Sensing in Biology Interest Group. NIH’s quantum Science Interest Group (SIG) comprises both NIH and non-NIH scientists with shared interests and/or expertise in quantum sciences and technology applications in biomedical sciences. The SIG hosts monthly seminars to help researchers share the latest quantum-related science and technology developments and applications. This group also organizes workshops by national and international quantum experts to promote knowledge of quantum technology applications. The workshops identify opportunities for learning, training and workforce development in partnership with academia, industry and government agencies. The SIG members act as informal advisors to the NIH deputy director of intramural research and provide advice for the annual NIH Research Festival. This group welcomes participation by interested non-NIH scientists. Please visit the Quantum Science Interest Group page for more information. To join the Quantum SIG mailing list, please visit the listserv home page and click the “Subscribe or Unsubscribe” link in the right sidebar.

Quantum Workshops

Last updated on March 7, 2025